Data was gathered through a combination of visiting rehearsal rooms' websites, email and telephone contact. The main sources for the data were the Spotlight Contacts 2016 publication and the previous 2013 study. Some venues were added because staff at other venues recommended them. The data was collected in an Excel spreadsheet, which makes up the other element of this report. Calculations were run on the cost of each rehearsal space listed on an hourly, daily and weekly basis. Additionally, a calculation was run on the cost of each space per square mete, again on an hourly, daily and weekly basis. Different venues advertise their pricing in different ways. Some offer prices per hour, others per day or per week; other venues offer all three prices. In order to compare all the rehearsal spaces in the data set, I have run calculations to generate daily, hourly, and weekly prices where these were not given. In the Excel spreadsheet, prices provided by the venue are highlighted in green while prices I have calculated are highlighted in yellow. The methodology behind these calculations is outlined below.