Recognising how difficult it is to find cheap and suitable rehearsal spaces in London, and the effect that may have on the viability and finances of many unfunded fringe productions, on behalf of the Centre for Contemporary Theatre I successfully applied to the Higher Education Investment Fund (HEIF) to fund the theatre director Tom Mansfield to undertake the research and to compile the first survey of rehearsal and audition rooms in London in May 2013. In 2015 the Jerwood Space enquired if this survey would be updated. We then jointly commissioned Tom Mansfield to update the survey in 2016. This survey has been distributed, free, to over 1,000 theatre directors and producers. The PDF document, in a linked entry, provides a narrative overview of the range and cost of spaces in London and then presents lists of over 300 spaces, ordered by rate per hour, per day, per week, and per square metre. The Excel spreadsheet, attached here, presents this information in a different format and provides the addresses and other contact details for each space. You may download these documents for free; please feel free to pass on the documents to any theatre-makers you think may benefit from this survey.