The project’s research team has gathered, cleansed, and codified data relating to over 4000 UK museum. It covers the period from 1960 to date. Primary sources include: - Arts Council England list of accredited museum, 2017 - Association of Independent Museums members list, 2016 - Association of Independent Museums members list, 1982 - Association of Independent Museums non-members list, 1982 - AMOT Guide to Military Museums in the UK, 2010/2011 - Digest of Museum Statistics, 1998 - Historic Houses Association Friends Pocket Guide, 2016 - Historic Houses & Castles in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, London: Index Publishers 1959 - Kenneth Hudson and Ann Nicholls, The Directory of Museums and Living Displays, London: Macmillan 1985 - Micromuseums Archive, Bishopsgate Institute, London - Museum and Libraries Division, Wales. Raw data from ‘Spotlight’ reports, 2002, and published data 2007, 2013, 2015 - Museums and Galleries Scotland museums list, 2016 - Northern Ireland Museums Council, museum list, 2012, 2016 - Museum Association ‘Find a Museum’ website, 2017 - Museums Association’s Museums Calendar, 1970 - Scottish Museums Council, A Collective Insight: Scotland’s National Audit; full findings report, 2002. - Standing Commission on Museums and Galleries, Survey of Provincial Museums, 1963 - Wikipedia lists of museum by country/county See data collection description at for more details.