This folder contains data from Experiment 1 of Cooper, Wutke & Davellar (2012) "Differential contributions of set-shifting and monitoring to dual-task interference", Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65 (3), 587-612. The data are arranged as follows: is a tab-delimited data file that contains the following columns: * partnr: The unique participant identifier * group: Always 1 for this experiment * sex: coded as 1 for male and 2 for female * dob: Year of birth - used to calculate age in 2008 when the study was done * educ: Level of education (from 1 = high school to 5 = PhD) * DS_n: Number of trials on the digit switching task * DS_sw: Number of switch errors * DS_miss: Number of trials with no response * 2B_n: Number of trials on the 2-back task * 2B_hit: Number of hits on the 2-back task * 2B_cr: Number of correct rejections on the 2-back task * 2B_fp: Number of false positives on the 2-hack task * 2B_miss: Number of misses on the 2-back task * GN_n: Number of trials on the go/no-go task * GN_hit: Number of hits on the go/no-go task * GN_cr: Number of correct rejections on the go/no-go task * GN_fp: Number of false positives on the go/no-go task * GN_miss: Number of misses on the go/no-go task Data from each participant is on a separate line. Data from the RNG task is contained in set of files with names of the form rng_XXXX_Y.txt where XXXX is the participant number (ranging from 0000 to 0036) and Y encodes the condition (0 = control; 1 = with digit switching; 2 = with 2-back; 3 = with go/no-go). Each of these files consists of 100 lines with successive lines encoding details of successive responses. Each line should contain two numbers: an integer representing the respone (0 = 'A' up to 9 = 'J') and a real number that gives the time between the previous response and this response (in seconds). A response of '-1' indicates no response within the timeout perioud (5 seconds). Richard P. Cooper Mon Sep 14 14:15:29 2015