This folder contains raw and extracted data for the three experiments reported in "Set-Shifting and Place-Keeping as Separable Control Processes", by Richard P. Cooper, Catherine Byde, Roberto DeCecilio, Chelsea Fulks & Danila Morais. All files are tab-delimited text files and so all files can be viewed in a standard text editor or read by programmes such as Excel, SPSS, emacs, etc. There are six sub-folders - two for each experiment (RawData and ExtractedData). Throughout a set of conventions are followed closely. The RawData folders: This contains raw data files generated by MatLab and collected from participants at the time of conducting the experiment. There are a bunch of files containing summary statistics (interruption_accuracy.txt, interruption_count.txt, interruption_latency.txt, and so on), but the key files are those of the form participant_00XX_log.txt. There is one of these files for each participant, and each file contain one row for each "trial" (either an UNRAVEL trial or an interruption task trial). The data in each row consists of 7 columns, with the columns representing the following: Column 1: Block Number - An integer from 0 (for practice trials) to 6 Column 2: Trial Number - An integer counter for the trial number. Note that zero in this column indicates an interruption trial. Otherwise the integer indicates an UNRAVEL trial. Column 3: The RSI (in milliseconds) prior to presentation of the trial stimulus Column 4: Either 1 or 0 for an UNRAVEL trial (indicating whether the response was a valid response key - one of UINFRYABVCEOLM, zero otherwise) or the number of letters to be copied / dots to be counted / arithmetic problems in an interruption trial (e.g., 4, 8 or 12, etc.). Column 5: For an UNRAVEL trial, 1 if the response is correct given the stimulus and 0 otherwise (note that 1 in column 5 doesn't mean that the response is correct given the task). For interruption trials, the number of letters correctly copied / whether dots were correctly counted / the number of arithmetic problems correctly answered. Column 6: The offset of the response (for UNRAVEL trials) from the current task. 0 indicates a correct response, 1 indicates an anticipation of one step, etc. This column should be zero for interruption trials. Column 7: Response time (in milliseconds) between stimulus presentation and response key press (for UNRAVEL trials) of between stimulus presentation and return key press (for interruption trials). ExtractedData: This contains data extracted from the raw data files for a number of analyses. Each extracted file contains data arranged in rows and columns, with the first row giving labels for the columns. In all cases the first label is the PID (Participant ID). Other labels indicate the condition (for example, in copy_interruption_accuracy.txt, the label D250I08 is RSI of 250msec and interruption of 8 characters).